Леща на Барлоу TeleVue Powermate 2.5x 1.25''

  • Марка: TeleVue
  • Кат. номер:PMT2513

Al Nagler's 4-element concept, continues the tradition of full-field sharpness with optimum aberration control. Like long eye-relief? Retain the eye-relief of long focal length eyepieces, while at high power. Enjoy, for example, the sharpness and comfort of the 32mm Plössl at up to 5 times the power!

The Powermate consists of a negative doublet plus a positive "pupil-correcting" doublet. This 4-element system provides the magnifying function of a Barlow without its limitations by restoring the field rays back to their original direction, as if the Powermate were not there. The result is a pure magnification increase.


The advantages in a nutshell:


  • PowerMate with combination of four lens elements
  • no vignetting when observing
  • gives an extremely good image
  • good edge definition in almost all optical systems
  • optimal in conjunction with an H-alpha telescope due to parallel light path
  • very robust housing with 1.25" compression ring clamp
  • 1.25" filter thread


While Barlows are powerful tools, the negative element defining them also limits their ability. The simple negative element Barlow increases eyepiece eye-relief. With short focal length eyepieces the effect is negligible. However, on long focal length eyepieces the exit pupil position moves well beyond the designer's intended position, resulting in vignetting with many eyepieces. This is why \"Shorty\" Barlows in particular, with their strong negative element often vignette and degrade long focus eyepieces.


My 4-element form picks up where the Barlow concept can go no further. Powermate™ is a technically universal solution, using a positive field lens to redirect field rays. The result is an exit pupil that stays where the eyepiece designer intended. With freedom from aberrations, greater magnification potential, and compact size, I hope you'll agree Powermate™ raises the standard for image amplification. — Al Nagler


According to our experiences, Powermates are the best amplifiers on the market, we can recommend them! - BTC



Magnification factor 2,5
Connection (to the telescope) 1,25"
Coating of optical system  multiple
Number of lenses 4
Ring clamp  yes


Material Aluminium
Weight (g) 205
Series Powermate

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Леща на Барлоу TeleVue Powermate 2.5x 1.25''

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