Поляризиращ филтър Baader Single 1.25

  • Марка: Baader
  • Кат. номер:BaPol
  • Baader 1.25" Polarizing Filter (1 piece)
  • For stepless brightness-controll in combination with another single polarizing filter or a Herschel WedgePerfect for observing moon or planets, or for solar observations with AstroSolar Safety Film ND 5.0. You can change the brightnes if you rotate two single polarizing filters against each other, to adjust the brightness according to your magnification. You can e.g. mount one 1,25" filter in the eyepiece and a 2" filter in the reducer piece from 2" to 1.25
  • For solar observation in behind a Baader Herschel Wedge. The Herschel wedge already polarizes the light, so that one single polarizing filter is sufficient.
  • Please note: Polarizing filters (and all other eyepiece filters) may never be used without an approriate solar filter (Astrosolar front filter, Herschel Wedge).
  • Enhances contrast during planetary observation.
  • You need two polarizing filters to adjust the brightness. Alternatively, you can also use the the double polarizing filter #2408340 (1,25") or #2408344 (2"), where two filters can be rotated in the filter cell. Polarizing filters offer the highest flexibility; if you are looking for superior image quality, you should use regular Neutral Density Filter, where there are less glass surfaces in the light path.

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Поляризиращ филтър Baader Single 1.25

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